Ravaged Coast Hero Paths

Aside from your Faction Paths available in your Battle Tome, the following Core Path to Glory & Ravaged Coast Paths are available for your units and heroes to follow. As the campaign progresses, I will reveal more of the available options for units or promoted heroes. Reach out to John if you have questions about more details of each path.

SourcePathAvailable Unit Type
CorePath of the WarriorANY HERO
CorePath of the LeaderANY HERO
CorePath of the MageWIZARD HERO
CorePath of the DevoutPRIEST HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the BrawlerANY HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the RulerANY HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the DuellistINFANTRY HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the WarmongerINFANTRY HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the SorcererWIZARD HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the ConjurerWIZARD HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the ZealotPRIEST HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the InvokerPRIEST HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the ColossusMONSTER HERO
Ravaged CoastPath of the DragoonCAVALRY HERO

Path of the Warrior

Path of the Leader

Path of the Mage

Path of the Devout

Path of the Brawler

Path of the Ruler

Path of the Duellist

Path of the Warmonger

Path of the Sorcerer

Path of the Conjurer

Path of the Zealot

Path of the Invoker

Path of the Colossus

Path of the Dragoon