Waco 2025 Ravaged Coast Rules

We will be playing Path to Glory using the Ravaged Coast Supplement Rules and Age of Sigmar 4th Edition.

Battle Profiles and Rules will use the current available from Warhammer Community (1/29/2025)

Any Rules specific to this Campaign are marked Non-GW, otherwise PtG and Core Rules will control. If there’s any question or modification needed, reach out to john (at) wacopathtoglory.com and I will clarify with input from participants.

If you do not own the Ravaged Coast supplement, that’s ok. I will make every effort to share/provide the rules as needed so participants can play games without (hopefully) violating GW copyrights for our personal, non-commercial use. In the future, I will update the site with scans from the book where I think I can safely get away with it. If in doubt, reach out to John at john (at) wacopathtoglory.com

The campaign will run from 3/1/2025 through 12/31/2025 with a selected battle plan each month and progression only happening once a month on or around the first.

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General Rules

General Rules for participating in Waco Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast

  • This is primarily a casual, narrative campaign. You’re encouraged to be competitive, but our primary goal is to tell good stories and have fun. I will do my best to track battle reports on this site as the campaign progresses, and you are welcome and encouraged to write your own and submit.
  • You must name your Army and your General, and are encouraged to name all of your units. Realm of Plastic has a decent random name generator for Age of Sigmar to assist. You are encouraged to paint and base all your units, and there will be a progression incentive to play with finished units during the campaign.
  • Each month will feature a battle plan from the Ravaged Coast campaign according to the posted schedule, culminating in the battle for Hel’s Claw at the end of the year.
  • Each month, you are on your own to schedule and meet with other participants at the location of your choosing to play battles. After your battle, please submit a report to me at john (at) wacopathtoglory.com with the results.
  • Non-GW: You can play as many battles as you like each month, but only your highest emberstone collection from one battle, and the most battle wounds from your worst defeat will count for your progression at the end of the month.
  • Non-GW: At the end of each month, we will collectively spend our gathered emberstone to progress our armies and deal with battle wounds for the following month. Like an escalation league, your roster will only change each month.
  • The Honor System: As you play battles and collect emberstone and battle wounds, make your rolls with your opponent as witness. Please record the results and submit as part of your battle reports. These are story opportunities when an emberstone cluster detonates and maims your heroes.
  • Update 2/11/2025: WYSIWYG and Proxies: This campaign is not ‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG). Your heroes and units are expected to grow, change, acquire powerful artefacts and emberstone-enhanced weapons over the course of the campaign. Custom heroes from the Anvil of Apotheosis are allowed, and should use an appropriate model to represent them, but you are not required to create a custom sculpt or kitbash. Proxies are allowed, subject to these initial guidelines:
    • Base size must be appropriate for the model being proxied.
    • It must be clear and distinct from other units in your roster so it’s not confusing what they represent to your opponent.
    • They should generally be similar to the unit they are representing, and should be in the same or similar faction.
      • Good Example: Using Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors as Slaves to Darkness Chaos Warriors.
      • Bad Example: Using Seraphon Saurus Guard as Grundstok Thunderers.
    • If in doubt, reach out to John with a question or picture for a determination.

Initial Army Building

Rules for building your army for Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast

  • Point Limit – 1000 Point limit. No more than 350 points on a single unit (unless someone want to play Sons of Behemat, then email John).
    • Current Battle Profiles structure and points apply. If there are balance updates during the year, they will only affect purchasing new units that month, not retroactive for your current roster.
  • Faction – Your selected General will determine your Faction and Grand Alliance. You may build your roster from any units within your Grand Alliance, not just your General’s faction.
  • Non-GW: Battle Traits – Battle Traits will apply for all units in your Roster that meet applicable Keywords. You will have all Army Traits available for any units you decide to bring.
    • Example: Your General and his Regiment are FeC. They can use Noble Deeds, Loyal Subjects and Royal Blood. You decide to add a unit of Nighthaunt Chainrasps as an Auxiliary unit from Grand Alliance Death. Your Chainrasps will benefit from Ethereal, Discorporate, etc, but not from any of the FeC Traits, and vice versa.
  • Battle Formation – You may select 1 battle formation from your General’s Faction only. Additional units from your Grand Alliance may or may not benefit from the formation based on applicable keywords. If your General changes to a new Hero from a different Faction within your Alliance during the course of the campaign, you may select a new Formation from the new General’s faction to replace the old one.
  • Regiments – Hero and Unit Restrictions from the Battle Profiles apply when building your list. Your General’s Regiments may have up to 4 units other than the general, and other Regiments include up to 3 units other than the Hero leading the Regiment.
  • Regiments of Renown – None of the standard RoR are allowed in this campaign. There are Ravaged Coast RoRs that may be purchased during the course of the campaign, but not at the start.
  • Auxiliary Units – You may add any units from your Grand Alliance as Aux units to your roster, and they will benefit from traits as outlined above. However, the normal deployment and providing an additional CP to your opponent each turn for having an Aux unit rules still apply.
    • A Hero Unit with no non-hero units to form a Regiment is considered an Auxiliary Unit. A Hero must command at least one battle profile valid non-hero unit to qualify as a Regiment.
  • Reinforced Units – You may use Reinforced units for the normal point costs at the start of the campaign, and may spend embershards to reinforce units throughout the course later.
  • Unique Units – It is recommended to not include Unique units in Path to Glory, their story is already told. No Unique units may be included in your initial list, but may be purchased later in the campaign subject to the following rules:
    • Unique Units can not be enhanced or given a path
    • Non-GW: Unique Units can not be made General of your Army.
  • Your General
    • You must pick 1 Hero to be your General. They must be a single model, and must lead a Regiment with at least 1 other non-hero unit.
    • You may use the Anvil of Apothoesis to create a unique hero using your Faction’s battle tome if available. Submit details of your Destiny Points when you submit your army.
    • Your General will start on the Path of your choice as an Aspirant with one of the abilities of your choice. You may choose a path from your Faction’s Battle Tome, or choose one of the unique Ravaged Coast Paths.
    • Your General will not have any Heroic Traits or Artefacts of Power at the start of the campaign.
  • Lores
    • The first time you add a Wizard to your army Roster, you may select one Unlimited Spell, and one additional Spell Lore available to the wizard’s faction to add to your Roster.
    • The first time you add a Priest to your army Roster, you may selected one Unlimited Prayer and one additional Prayer Lore available to the priest’s faction to your Roster.
    • You cannot select a Manifestation Lore at the start of the campaign, though they may be purchased as the campaign progresses.
    • There are unique Ravaged Coast “Lore of Magmic Fury” spells and “Prayers of Aqshian Wrath” prayers that may be selected.
  • Faction Terrain
    • You cannot include any faction at the start of the campaign, though you may purchase terrain as the campaign progresses.

If there are any questions about composing your initial Roster, please reach out to john (at) wacopathtoglory.com for clarification.

Playing Games

Rules for playing Path to Glory Games.

Click here for a step-by-step approach to playing a battle.

  • Non-GW: Battleplan – The Battleplans are predetermined for each month of 2025 according to the schedule. Please reference the appropriate battleplan in Ravaged Coast, and I will be posting the current battleplan each month on this site with the layouts and victory conditions.
  • Emberstone Clusters (pg 31) – Setup D3 + 1 additional Emberstone Cluster Objectives on the map. Players alternate setting them up. If there is neutral territory, the first 2 must be in neutral territory more than 3″ from player territory. Clusters must be setup more than 6″ from battlefield edges and battleplan objectives. If it is not possible to setup additional clusters, they are not used.
  • Uneven Armies (pg 32) – If a player’s army has more than 200 points more than their opponent, they must used the stalled reinforcement rules. I will post those rules when needed in future months of the campaign as armies grow or newcomers join.
  • Twists (pg 32 & 33) – We will be using the Twist Table and Underdog Rules. The Twist table will be posted along with each battle plan.
  • Ravaged Coast – Aqshian Anger Passive (pg 34) applies to all units:
    • Effect: If a unit uses the “All-out Attack” command, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks that target that unit for the rest of the phase
  • Ravaged Coast – Poisoned Domain. (pg 34) We will use Poison Domain rules when we progess to Gnaw’s Edge and beyond in August and beyond.
  • Emberstone (pg 34 & 35)
    • Collect Emberstone – Once per turn (Army), End of your turn.
    • Declare: Pick an Emberstone Cluster on the field and determine control of it. If you control it, pick a friendly unit within 3″ that is not in combat and does not have an Emberstone token to be the target.
    • Effect: Roll a dice. On a 1, inflict D3 mortal damage on each unit within 3″ of the emberstone cluster, then remove the cluster from the battlefield. On a 2-6, remove the cluster and give that unit an emberstone token.
  • Filled with Fury
    • While a unit has an emberstone token:
    • Subtract 1 from save rolls for that unit.
    • Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by the unit.
    • If a unit carrying an emberstone token is destroyed, the token is placed within 1″ of the last removed model. If there is no valid place to place the token, it is lost.
    • If a unit carrying an emberstone token is destroyed by a FIGHT ability, and the unit that used the FIGHT ability does not already have an emberstone token, that unit can claim the emberstone token instead of placing it on the field.
  • Dig Sites
    • End of Final Battle Round
    • Declare: Pick an objective that you control to be a dig site. You cannot pick the same objective more than once. Pick a friendly unit not in combat and contesting that objective to dig.
    • Effect: Roll a dice. On a 1, inflict 1 battle wound on the target. On a 4+, give the target an emberstone token.
  • Non-GW: Battle Length – Battles will be 4 rounds, and automatically end after the 4th. We will not be using the rolls for 5th/6th rounds on p36.
  • Withdrawing from Battle – If at least 1/2 of your units have been destroyed, at the start of your hero phase, you have the option to withdraw from battle. If you withdraw:
    • Your opponent wins a major victory regardless of battleplan victory conditions.
    • Your opponent may play out any remaining rounds unimpeded to attempt to collect Emberstone and dig sites.

Battle Aftermath

  • Gain Emberstone Shards (pg 38):
    • If you won the battle, you gain 3 emberstone shards. If you lost, you gain D3 shards. If the battle was a draw, you gain D3 with one re-roll allowed.
    • Hateful Shores – October and November, you will gain an additional D3 shards.
    • For each emberstone token your army has at the end of battle, you gain an emberstone shard.
  • Honor System: Witness your opponent’s rolls for emberstone shards at the end of the game, and then report to john (at) wacopathtoglory.com with your totals. Your most shards gained in one battle will be added to your vault at the end of the month.
  • Battle Wounds (pg 44):
    • For each unit that was destroyed, add D3 battle wounds.
    • For each unit carrying an emberstone token, roll a dice. On a 1-4, that unit suffers 1 battle wound. On a 5+, they are unaffected.
  • Honor System: Witness your opponent’s rolls for battle wounds at the end of the game, and then report which units suffered how many battle wounds to john (at) wacopathtoglory.com. The battle with the most total wounds across your units will determine who receives battle wounds and scars (if any) at the end of the month.
  • Painted Army: If your entire army on the battlefield is “tournament ready”, painted with at least 3 colors and a finished base, then gain 1 additional emberstone shard.

Reporting: At minimum please submit a battle report to john (at) wacopathtoglory.com with who won or draw, how many emberstone shards each army acquired, and which units acquired battle wounds and how many. You are encouraged to write a narrative battle report as well, and I will post and feature any submitted campaign stories on this site. You and your opponent may both submit stories, and I will post both. Maybe the defeated had a different point of view of the events of the battle?

Progressing on the Path

Rules for progression

  • Non-GW: Gain Emberstone Shards – The most ember shards you gained from your best battle of the previous month will be added to your vault and available to spend at the start of each month.
  • Manage your Roster (pg 38) – At the start of each month, you may:
    • Promote a Hero – Move a hero from an Auxiliary Unit or another hero’s regiment to their own Regiment.
    • Retire Units – You may remove units and regain emberstone shards based on points value on the chart on page 39. Any purchased path progress and traits are lost.
      • Non-GW: Artefacts of Power or Crafted Emberstone Weapons may be transferred to a new Hero.
    • Manage Enhancements
      • Artefacts of Power and Emberstone Weapons may be transferred between Heros.
      • You may remove heroic traits from a unit if you wish, but spent shards will not be refunded.
    • Change your General – at the cost of D3 battle wounds to your current general, you may change your general to any eligible, non-unique hero on your roster. You may select a new battle formation to go along with your new general. If units no longer fit in your former general’s regiment, move units to Auxiliary units until valid.
    • Change a unit’s path – Any hero or unit may change path, but is immediately demoted 1 rank. Then pick appropriate abilities for their new path and rank. For example, if your unit had achieved Mighty rank, they would now be Elite, and would choose new abilities.
  • Spend Emberstone Shards (pg 40 & 41) – You may spend your emberstone shards to enhance and/or expand your army each month. See page 41 for emberstone costs.
    • Progress along a path – You may embark on a path or improve a current path for any unit. You may purchase from your battle tome’s unique faction paths, or any of the Ravaged Coast paths.
    • Purchase an Enhancement – You may purchase heroic traits and artefacts for your Heroes. You may purchase from your faction tome, and there are unique traits and artefacts for Ravaged Cost (pg 76, 77)
    • Purchase Lores – You may purchase additional spells, prayers or manifestations. There are unique Ravaged Coast “Lore of Magmic Fury” spells and “Prayers of Aqshian Wrath” prayers that may be purchased.
    • Recruit Warriors – You may add units or reinforce existing units according to their points and emberstone shard costs.
    • Purchase faction Terrain – You may construct an outpost and purchase faction terrain.
    • Create an emberstone-enhanced weapon (pg 80) – You may create a special emberstone melee or ranged weapon for your Heroes. Coordinate with john (at) wacopathtoglory.com and we’ll schedule a get together to witness rolls and re-rolls on the forging table.
    • Hire a Ravaged Cost Regiment of Renown – There is a Ravaged Coast Regiment of Renown for each Grand Alliance. Each one allows a re-roll on the emberstone forge, and each has a unique ability that influences emberstone-enhanced weapons on the battlefield. Feel free to kitbash or use an appropriate model on a 32-50mm base.
      • Order: The Realmstone Innovator – Can improve hit rolls of nearby emberstone-enhanced weapons at risk of damage to the bearer.
      • Chaos: The Warped Saboteur – Can inflict mortal damage on carriers of emberstone-enhanced weapons with a chance to destroy the weapon permanently.
      • Death: The Sinister Nullifier – Can provide a ward save to nearby units against emberstone-enhanced weapons.
      • Destruction: The Weird-crafta – Can improve the damage of emberstone-enhanced weapons at risk of damage to the bearer.
  • Tend to Battle Wounds and Scars (pg 44) – Non-GW: Based on your previous month battle where you acquired the most battle wounds, we will roll for healing and scars. I’ll post the charts closer to the conclusion of our first month when needed.
    • Determine final battle wounds for prior month.
    • Determine battle scars (pg 45) – For units that meet the thresholds, we’ll coordinate and roll an appropriate battle scar. A battle scar is a negative passive ability applied to that unit for the rest of the campaign.
      • 5-8 Wounds – Serious Scar
      • 9-12 Wounds Severe Scar
      • 13-17 Wounds – Critical Scar
      • 18+ Wounds – Unit succumbs to injuries and is removed from your roster.
    • If your General succumbs to injuries, you must pick another non-unique Hero to become your new General. If you have no other eligible Heroes and not enough Emberstone shards to recruit one, your story has ended and your army’s exploits fade into obscurity. If you wish to continue, you must start a new Ravaged Coast army.
    • Attempt healing rituals (pg 45) – Up to 2 Heroes on your roster may attempt to heal themselves or another unit. We’ll schedule or witness healing rolls at the start of the month.
      • On a 1, the Hero is drained for the month and subtracts 1 from casting, chanting and hit rolls.
      • On a 2-6, the target unit is healed that many battle wounds. Scars cannot be removed, and scars cannot be regained. For example: If a unit earns a Serious Scar, and then is healed below 5 wounds, they would still have the scar. If after another month the unit has 5-8 total wounds again, it will not gain or re-roll the existing scar.