Find a Game

You can email john (at) and I can assist with connecting participants to get games in, or you can even reach out to play against me. There are also several local Discord servers that are active with Age of Sigmar channels. Local stores for meeting up to play and their hours are listed below.

You can find me on these servers or direct at username .djangle

Or connect to our Facebook group.

Discord Servers

Warhammer Escalation League – King’s Landing

Discord for 2024’s Warhammer Escalation League at King’s Landing. Currently Kill Team and Horus Heresy Leagues, but active for all Tabletop Game.

Waco Warhammer

Newer Discord Server: This is a server to get the Waco Warhammer community on one page to coordinate games, discuss, and share hobby experiences. This server is not affiliated with any one game store. This is strictly to give the Warhammer community shared communication since we have a rapidly growing player base.

Tanuki Tabletop

New Discord Server for Tanuki Tabletop on China Spring Road. Primarily TCG’s soon, TT has 2 Wargaming tables and carries Games Workshop models and materials.

The Game Closet

Has a Wargamers Section for Table top gaming.

Task Force Ursa

For those that might have stumbled upon this server: This server is used to find people to play various games in Waco TX (and the surrounding area) as well as the normal chatting about games. To tailor your experience please react using the following emoji to gain access to the channels for games you are interested in.

Has channels for Warhammer 40K and Kill Team

Waco TCG Community

Primarily serving Waco’s Trading Card Gaming Community and focused on Nexus Gaming Waco, there is a channel for Warhammer 40K.

Locations to Play

King’s Landing

King’s Landing Waco has play area in the back with a table top board with terrain available.


1427 S Valley Mills Dr, Waco, TX 76711


(254) 752-2333

[email protected]

Opening Hours

Tue – Sat

11:00 am – 9:00 pm


12:00 pm – 6:00 pm



The Game Closet

The Game Closet has several table top boards and a variety of terrain available for use.


3721 Franklin Ave, Waco, TX 76710


(254) 751-7251

Opening Hours

7 Days

10:00 am – 11:00 pm

Warhammer Central Texas Marketplace

While a smaller store, the official Warhammer store has the most products available and a smaller play space available.


2704 W Loop 340 Suite D12, Waco, TX 76711


(254) 329-6405

[email protected]

Opening Hours

Wed – Sun

11:00 am – 7:00 pm

Mon – Tue


Tanuki Tabletop

Tanuki Tabletop stocks Games Workshop products and has 2 tables available for Warhammer 40K and/or Age of Sigmar.


10324 China Spring Road Suite C Waco, TX, 76708


(254) 652-0788

[email protected]

Opening Hours

Wed – Mon

11:00am – 11:00pm



Hobby Town

Hobby Town stocks Games Workshop products. While it doesn’t have a dedicated play area, they have hosted tournaments and events.


4322 W Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76710


(254) 732-4477

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri

11:00 am – 7:00 pm


10:00 am – 6:00 pm


12:00 pm – 5:00 pm