
Mid-Month Update

Happy Thursday! This weekend marks half way through March, and we’ve had 6 battles fought so far in the Rift in the Peaks.

This past Saturday, the forces of Order met the forces of Destruction at the Warhammer Central Texas Marketplace. Chris was super accommodating, providing tables, battle mats, some terrain, and allowed us some extra time after closing to wrap our battles. The Solemn Saviours prevailed over Krule Intentionz by flanking and cornering their shooters and General, forcing a withdrawal.

On the other side of peaks, the Gloomy Looniez were able to bully the Aethergold Storm into withdrawing with wave after wave of ravenous squigs.

Then Tuesday evening, the forces of Order were back in action against the forces of Chaos at King’s Landing. The Knight-Questor and his Soulsworn decimated the Tzaangor forces of the Cult of the Black Sun, and the arrival of the Reclusians from the Celestial Realm on the remaining troops forced a withdrawal.

Meanwhile, the Celebrants Insatiable and Aethergold Storm each sustained heavy losses battling over the center of the rift. Some last minute transport tricks of the Khemist, and the sacrifice of the remaining Arkanaut Company secured a Draw between the armies.

The dragon riding Knights of the Rampart, the Grand Army of the Ratpublic, and the Brutes of Da Toof Punchas are all poised to join the fray in the next week or two. So stay active on Discord and reach out to schedule games. There’s still plenty of time to join in the war for the Emberstone cache in Hel’s Crown.

Saturday, I’ll be at Tanuki Tabletop to run some learning games with the Whiskers of the Labyrinthium. Feel free to join us to get a game in or just come by to say Hi and check out the new store.

Battle Begins

The Battle for the Ravaged Coast has begun!  The Solemn Saviours met the Aethergold Storm in a Rift in the Peaks. Shout out to Tanuki Tabletop for hosting our game. 3 Seams of Emberstone Objectives were laid out according to the Rift in the Peaks. 4 Emberstone Clusters were added on a D3 + 1 roll, with at least 2 placed in neutral territory.

The Saviours won initiative and deployed first, dispatching the Knight-Questor Mordred and his Questor Soulsworn in the middle of their territory, naming the center objective their “Ordained Quest” and in position to claim a nearby Embershard Cluster.  The Aethergold responded with the Bountiful Tradewind Gun Hauler and Khemist Kadasst Cholerborne along western flank.  The Saviour’s General, Bergar the Lamented mirrored their deployment in the west, while the Templars of the Anvil Liberators deployed on the opposite, eastern flank.  The Scions of the Great Sanctuary Prosecutors and Timeworn Defenders of Sigmaron Reclusians both remained in the Celestial Realm.  The Skybound Company’s 2nd Platoon mirrored the Liberators deployment, while first platoon, and the Endrimaster General deployed in the clouds aboard the Frigate, Flying Reckoning.  The winds of Aqshy were calm that day, and no twist was available to aid the underdog in the battle to come. 

Annotated Battle Layout after deployement:

First turn, the Saviours advanced on all 3 objectives.  Bergar was able to quickly advance on his Gryph Stalker and claim the western objective.  The Reculsians rode Sigmar’s lightning to deploy and support Bergar, and claim a nearby Emberstone cluster.  Unfortunately, the lightning must have set it off, and they suffered a grave wound when it exploded.  In the middle of the field, the Questor Soulsworn were able to recover an Emberstone Shard.

The injured Reclusians were able to rally from the detonated Emberstone.  The Aethergold Storm responded by descending from the clouds on the Eastern Objective and isolating the lone Liberator force advancing there, and their guns began to chip away at the Templars of the Anvil.  The Bountiful Tradewind was able to quickly ferry Kadasst to the middle Objective.  The Storm claimed 2 Objectives and 2 Emberstone Shards on their first maneuver.

The Aethergold Storm kept the momentum, and stayed on the offensive.  They continued to fire on the isolated Liberators who would rally and hang on, and the Gunhauler and Khemist opened up on the advancing Questors midfield.  The Liberators were being whittled away under heavy gunfire, while one of the Questors fell to the Khemist’s toxic gas attacks.  Sensing weakness, the Skybound Company’s first platoon charged the Liberators on the Eastern flank, while the Endrinmaster and Frigate held back, securing the objective.

The Saviours responded with the Questors pushing up the middle, forcing a retreat from the Gunhauler and Khemist, claiming their ordained objective, while the Reclusians and Bergar approached from the West.  The Liberators battled the company, trading kills until only the champion remained in the face of the Skybound Company.

But all was not lost, as the momentum shifted back to the Saviours.  The Prosecutors descended from the Celestial Realm in support of the lone liberator, and with throwing javelins and a brutal charge, wiped out the Skybound Company before they could claim the last Liberator.  Meanwhile, the Questors and Reclusians converged on the Gunhauler midfield, while the Khemist retreated to the safety of the Skybound Company’s second platoon.

Despite their brave rescue, the guns of the Endrimaster and Frigate were too much, and wiped out the guardian angel Prosecutors, while the Liberator was able to rally a comrade and retreat.  The combined might of the Questors and Reculsians brought down The Bountiful Tradewind, costing the Aethergold Storm the token the Gunhauler had claimed earlier.

The Reclusians chased the retreating Khemist, while Berger ordered them to Deliver Judgement. They mortally wounded the Khemist while the Skybound Company avoided the whirling axes of the Reculsian Champion.  The Questors held back and consolidated to hold the middle objective.

Sensing the death approaching, the Second Company retreated with their claimed Emberstone Shard, while the General and Frigate attempted some parting shots at the retreating, rallied Liberators.

In the end, the Saviours were able to claim victory on this field, but the Questors were unable to dig an additional shard from the Middle Objective.  The Endrimaster was unable to dig a shard from the Eastern Objective before leaving the field.  Despite being forced from the field, the crafty Duardin were able to claim 5 Emberstone Shards to the Saviours 4.

The Prosecutors suffered wounds from the Frigate’s vengeance, while the Questors suffered wounds from carrying and digging for Emberstone.  The Khemist suffered worst under the Reclusian’s wrath, while the Gunhauler limped away battered, and both Platoons of the Skybound Company had minor wounds.

Detailed Breakdown of Results:

Turn 1:

Solemn Saviours 1 VP – Western Objective

Aethergold Storm 1VP – Eastern Objective

Turn 2:

Aethergold Storm 2 VP – Eastern & Middle Objective

Solemn Saviours 1 VP – Western Objective

Turn 3:

Solemn Saviours 2 VP – Western & Middle Objective

Aethergold Storm 1 VP – Eastern Objective

Turn 4:

Solemn Saviours 2 VP – Western & Middle Objective

Aethergold Storm 1 VP – Eastern Objective

Solemn Saviours 6 VP – Victory

Aethergold Storm 5 VP

The Solemn Saviours

Emberstone Shards:

Glorious Victory: +3 Emberstone

Token Secured by Questor Soulsworn: +1 Emberstone

Token Exploded by Reclusians: (Missed 1)

Middle Objective Dig Exploded by Questor Soulsworn: (Missed 1)

Fully Painted: No (Missed 1)

4 of possible 7 Collected.

Battle wounds:

Prosecutors Destroyed: +2 rolled D3

Questor Soulsworn: +1 Rolled 1-4 for carrying token

Questor Soulsworn: +1 Rolled a 1 on end of battle dig

The Aethergold Storm

Emberstone Shards:

Loss: +3 Emberstone rolled on D3

Token Secured by Arkanaut Company: +1 Emberstone

Token lost on Destroyed Gunhauler (Missed 1)

Eastern Objective Dig by Endrinmaster Not Found, rolled 2-3 (Missed 1)

Fully Painted: Yes + 1 Emberstone

5 of possible 7 Collected.

Battle wounds:

Khemist Destroyed: +3 rolled on D3

Gunhauler Destroyed: +2 rolled on D3

Arkanaut Company 1 Destroyed: +1 rolled on D3

Arkanaut Company 2: +1 rolled 1-4 for carrying token

Kick Off Tomorrow

Tomorrow marks the official start of our campaign in the Ravaged Coast. We’re currently up to 9 participants, 3 Order players, 3 Chaos players, and 3 Destruction players. We also have interest from another Kharadron Overlord player, a Skaven player, and a Soul Blight Gravelords player for our first Death army, bringing the potential pool to 12 players.

Our first battle, Rift in the Peaks will be running all month long, so it’s not too late to join in March, or even early April. Rules for the battleplan and the Ravaged Coast mechanics are available on the battle plan page. As the campaign progresses, we’ll likely add some catch-up mechanics for any new players interested in joining throughout the year.

I’ve added a form on this site to report Battle Results. You can find it here, and linked prominently on the home page. Please fill it out after a match with your results, the form should be mobile friendly. I’ll also encourage participants to take pictures throughout the course of the battles, and submit some narrative elements for key moments. You can email me any pictures or results, or message me on Discord as well.

Reminder that we’re using open scheduling, so reach out and use the the “find a game” channels on the local discords, or message me and I’ll try to assist scheduling some games this month. I’ll be at King’s Landing for the painting competition this evening if you want to say hi. Saturday 3/1, I’ll be at the Warhammer store for a bit to pick up the mini of the month and check out their Spearhead event. From there, I’ll likely hit King’s Landing, The Game Closet, or possibly both to see if I can meet or get any games in during the afternoon. I’ll also check out Tanuki Tabletop later afternoon or in the evening, a new store opening tomorrow on China Spring Road. I live by the airport, so it will be great having a space closer to home, and hopefully an active community out that direction.


1 Week to go

Forces are converging on the fiery real of Aqshy. In the wake of the Vermindoom, Emberstone Clusters have been discovered along the Ravaged Coast, with rumors of a vast cache below the ruins of Hel’s Claw.

Veterans of the Vermindoom, the Solemn Saviours seek to reclaim what Sigmar lost on Aqshy. They are joined by the the dragon-riding Knights of the Rampart, dispatched in Sigmar’s name to crusade for this precious resource. Never ones to turn down a chance at profit, the Kharadron Overlords of the Aethergold Storm hope to carve out some profit of their own.

Not resting on their recent victory, the Grand Army of the Ratpublic positions itself to hold and expand The Gnaw and claim all of Aqshy. Sensing the power of the exposed Emberstone has drawn the Celebrants Insatiable, embracing the raw fury and passion Aqshy exposed. Of course, the Changer of Ways always has a hand in destiny, and the Cult of the Black Sun moves to claim the Emberstone for their own purposes.

Meanwhile, sensing the fiery rage of Aqshy stirring, Da Toof Punchas of the Iron Jawz Orruks are seeking to join the fray.

With 7 participants, we’re looking forward to a Grand Campaign for the treasures of the Ravaged Coast. With interest from at least 3 more players, there’s still time to submit a list and join the campaign. Our first battle for the month of March, Rift in the Peaks is posted and ready to go. We’ll be battling all month, with room for more, and catch-up mechanics for any interested in joining in April or later in the year.

Campaign taking shape

With 10 days until kick-off on March 1st, the Extremis Chamber of the Stormcast Eternals, Knights of the Rampart have brought the dragons to the fight. Sensing a scrap on the horizon, the forces of Destruction are stirring. An Iron Jawz Warboss, Krug Meantoof is gathering his Toof Punchas to claim to the Emberstone for himself.

I’ve received 7 lists so far and interest from 3 more participants, which would bring the Campaign to 10 players. Looking forward to battling in the Ravaged Coast.

2 Weeks to Go

With 2 weeks until kick-off on March 1st, the armies of Order and Chaos are mustering. I’ve received 5 lists so far, and at least 3 more players interested in submitting lists, bringing the total to 8.

Flyers are posted around town at King’s Landing, The Game Closet, behind the counter at the Warhammer store (they can’t post non-GW materials), and interest from Hobby Town. Hobby Town is interested in expanding their Warhammer offering, and is having success running 40K tournaments with Crash Gaming LLC. This year, I hope to reach out to both and coordinate an AoS tournament and some Ravaged Coast meet-ups with their assistance. But those plans are for later in the year.

Reach out to me at john (at) if you have questions about Ravaged Coast, participating in the campaign, or are interested in submitting a list.


Launching Waco Path to Glory

Thanks for checking out my site. My name is John Taylor, and I got into Age of Sigmar when King’s Landing Waco put together an Escalation League in 2024. I played 40K Space Marines 4th Edition 20 years ago, but didn’t keep up with it. Now that I’m a bit older with a family, the AoS Escalation League was an opportunity to get back into the hobby and share with my teenage sons.

We built up a Kharadron Overlords army over the 10 months of the league, and head a really rough start at the low point value months in early 2024. With the switch to 4th edition, and having some points to play with in mid 2024, our army was finally starting to come together. Towards the end of the 2024, our list started winning games, and with the help of an Ironclad and some Regiments of Renown, we secured first place and won the final months of the league.

We were also able to attend the Spearhead Launch Event at the Dallas Open in May of 2024 and picked up Sylvaneth and Lumineth Spearheads while we were there. We’re looking forward to checking out the Dallas Open this year, and maybe even participating in the AoS, Killteam, or other events.

In any case, King’s Landing has moved on to Kill Team and Horus Heresy Leagues, and it’s been rough getting any AoS games lately. With the release of Ravaged Coast, and the opening of Waco’s own Warhammer Store, we decided to put together and manage a Ravaged Coast campaign of our own and open it anyone in the area interested in participating. Looking forward to meeting and putting together a great Age of Sigmar Narrative Campaign.


john (at)