Battle Results

You can use the Battle Report Form on this site, or email detailed results to john (at) or ping me on Discord.

13/1/25Solemn SavioursVictory44
13/1/25Aethergold StormLoss57
23/6/25Krule IntentionzVictory61
23/6/25Gloomy LooniezLoss22
33/8/25Solemn SavioursVictory51
33/8/25Krule IntentionzLoss24
43/8/25Gloomy LooniezVictory50
43/8/25Aethergold StormLoss63*
53/11/25Solemn SavioursVictory81*
53/11/25Cult of the Black SunLoss33*
63/11/25Aethergold StormDraw53*
63/11/25Celebrants InsatiableDraw33*