Army Lists

NameFactionGrand AlliancePlayerEmber ShardsPoints
The Solemn SavioursStormcast EternalsOrderJohn Taylor01000
The Aethergold StormKhardron OverlordsOrderWilliam Taylor0990
The Celebrants InsatiableHedonites of SlaaneshChaosJoshua0980
Cult of the Black SunDisciples of TzeentchChaosDr_Pretzel0970
Grand Army of the RatpublicSkavenChaosNathan Eldridge0990
Knights of the RampartStormcast EternalsOrderWoothedoo01000
Da Toof PunchasIron JawzDestructionMaskedbugman01000
Krule IntentionzKrule BoyzDestructionDro0950
Gloomy LooniezGloomspite GitzDesctructionElisa0910
Whiskers of the LabyrinthiumSkavenChaosAdmiralvealdo0990

Player – Let me know if you want to use your real name, preferred nickname, and/or discord handle so people can contact you and coordinate a game.

I use this Google Sheet to create/track the army roster. File-> Make a Copy. Please feel free to copy, use and share with me, or check out my roster as an example. Send me your list to john (at) and I’ll update and post my own copies to track.

Lists on this site will be the official list for participants, as far as rosters, enhancements, shards, battle wounds, etc. I will keep it up to date as participants send me reports.