Launching Waco Path to Glory

Thanks for checking out my site. My name is John Taylor, and I got into Age of Sigmar when King’s Landing Waco put together an Escalation League in 2024. I played 40K Space Marines 4th Edition 20 years ago, but didn’t keep up with it. Now that I’m a bit older with a family, the AoS Escalation League was an opportunity to get back into the hobby and share with my teenage sons.

We built up a Kharadron Overlords army over the 10 months of the league, and head a really rough start at the low point value months in early 2024. With the switch to 4th edition, and having some points to play with in mid 2024, our army was finally starting to come together. Towards the end of the 2024, our list started winning games, and with the help of an Ironclad and some Regiments of Renown, we secured first place and won the final months of the league.

We were also able to attend the Spearhead Launch Event at the Dallas Open in May of 2024 and picked up Sylvaneth and Lumineth Spearheads while we were there. We’re looking forward to checking out the Dallas Open this year, and maybe even participating in the AoS, Killteam, or other events.

In any case, King’s Landing has moved on to Kill Team and Horus Heresy Leagues, and it’s been rough getting any AoS games lately. With the release of Ravaged Coast, and the opening of Waco’s own Warhammer Store, we decided to put together and manage a Ravaged Coast campaign of our own and open it anyone in the area interested in participating. Looking forward to meeting and putting together a great Age of Sigmar Narrative Campaign.


john (at)