2 Weeks to Go

With 2 weeks until kick-off on March 1st, the armies of Order and Chaos are mustering. I’ve received 5 lists so far, and at least 3 more players interested in submitting lists, bringing the total to 8.

Flyers are posted around town at King’s Landing, The Game Closet, behind the counter at the Warhammer store (they can’t post non-GW materials), and interest from Hobby Town. Hobby Town is interested in expanding their Warhammer offering, and is having success running 40K tournaments with Crash Gaming LLC. This year, I hope to reach out to both and coordinate an AoS tournament and some Ravaged Coast meet-ups with their assistance. But those plans are for later in the year.

Reach out to me at john (at) wacopathtoglory.com if you have questions about Ravaged Coast, participating in the campaign, or are interested in submitting a list.
