Progress along a Path
For the emberstone shard cost above, Heroes may embark or progress on a Path available in the Core Rules, Ravaged Coast, or their Battletome if available. Available Hero Paths are listed here.
For the emberstone shard cost above, Units may also embark or progress on a Path available in the Core Rules, Ravaged Coast, or their Battletome if available. Available Unit Paths are listed here.
Enhancements, Spells or Prayers
For the emberstone shard cost above, you may purchase a Heroic trait for a Hero from your faction-pack/battletome, or one of the Ravaged Coast Heroic Traits. A Hero may only be given one Heroic Trait, and any Heroic Trait may only be selected once per Army.
For the emberstone shard cost above, you may purchase an Artefact of Power for a Hero from your faction-pack/battletome, or one of the Ravaged Coast Artefacts of Power. A Hero may only be given one Artefact, and any Artefact may only be selected once per Army.
For the emberstone shard cost above, you may purchase any spell or prayer from any lore available to your Faction or the Ravaged Coast Lores, including summons, manifestations, and endless spells. Your army has has maximum of 6 Lore slots. You may “unlearn” a spell from your Lore to add a new spell, but you will not receive a refund for any shards spent on the unlearned spell.
Your first Unlimited and Non-Unlimited spells/prayers (excluding summons) are free the first time a Wizard or Priest is added to your roster.
Recruit Warriors
For the emberstone shard cost above, you may purchase new units or reinforce existing units. You may purchase any unit available to your Grand Alliance. Any units not slotted into a valid Regiment are Auxiliary Units.
Acquire Faction Terrain
If your Faction has terrain available, you may purchase it for a one time cost of 3 emberstone shards, and then have it available for use in all future battles.
Create an Emberstone Weapon
When creating an emberstone-enhanced weapon, for the initial 2 shards, you will create a base melee or ranged weapon profile. Then you will roll twice on the enhancement table to modify the weapon. If you have purchased the Ravaged Coast Regiment of Renown, you may re-roll one of those enhancement rolls. You may then purchase additional enhancement rolls for 1 shard each until you are satisfied or have no shards to spend. If you did not use the RoR in the initial forging, you may re-roll only one of those further enhancement rolls.
Unstable Emberstone-enhanced Weapons (pg43): Roll a dice for each emberstone-enhanced weapon in your army that was not forged in this aftermath sequence (this month). On a 1,that emberstone-enhanced weapon is destroyed and the Hero who had it suffers 1 battle wound.
Hire a Ravaged Coast Regiment of Renown
For the emberstone cost above, you may purchase the Ravaged Coast Regiment of Renown for your Grand Alliance. It is recommended to use an appropriate HERO model from your Grand Alliance to represent your RC Regiment of Renown on a round base between 32mm and 50mm.
Normal Faction Regiments of Renown cannot be purchased/added in Ravaged Coast Path to Glory.