1 Week to go

Forces are converging on the fiery real of Aqshy. In the wake of the Vermindoom, Emberstone Clusters have been discovered along the Ravaged Coast, with rumors of a vast cache below the ruins of Hel’s Claw.

Veterans of the Vermindoom, the Solemn Saviours seek to reclaim what Sigmar lost on Aqshy. They are joined by the the dragon-riding Knights of the Rampart, dispatched in Sigmar’s name to crusade for this precious resource. Never ones to turn down a chance at profit, the Kharadron Overlords of the Aethergold Storm hope to carve out some profit of their own.

Not resting on their recent victory, the Grand Army of the Ratpublic positions itself to hold and expand The Gnaw and claim all of Aqshy. Sensing the power of the exposed Emberstone has drawn the Celebrants Insatiable, embracing the raw fury and passion Aqshy exposed. Of course, the Changer of Ways always has a hand in destiny, and the Cult of the Black Sun moves to claim the Emberstone for their own purposes.

Meanwhile, sensing the fiery rage of Aqshy stirring, Da Toof Punchas of the Iron Jawz Orruks are seeking to join the fray.

With 7 participants, we’re looking forward to a Grand Campaign for the treasures of the Ravaged Coast. With interest from at least 3 more players, there’s still time to submit a list and join the campaign. Our first battle for the month of March, Rift in the Peaks is posted and ready to go. We’ll be battling all month, with room for more, and catch-up mechanics for any interested in joining in April or later in the year.